It was another boring day in the palace as the Princess wandered around her home in search for entertainment. She painted with the royal painter, she cooked with the chef, and finally she asked the royal seamstress to teach her to sew out of desperation for something to do. Nothing could bring her joy. She contemplated what else there is do, but still had come up with nothing.
After being bored for so long she was struck with an idea. She decided to get into some mischief. The Princess started by playing simple tricks on the palace workers like hiding behind corners and jumping out scaring them. The palace magician had been following her on her trip through the castle. Once he saw what she had been doing, he started casting spells on the workers so they couldn't move or he made objects fall behind them. The Princess thought she had magical powers. She was so overwhelmed with excitement from the new discovery she tripped and fell but was caught by something unexpected.
The magician had cast a spell on the Princess that froze her on the spot which stopped her from hitting the ground entirely. The Princess saw the magician cast the spell. That act revealed that he, not the Princess was the one doing all the work. The Princess became sad with this news. Now, the magician felt remorse because the Princess had tears welling in her eyes from the realization of not being able to do magic. The magician came up with a plan to cheer her up. He enchanted a small diamond on a necklace. When the Princess has the necklace on she will be able to do magic. This gift sent the Princess into an excited frenzy. "However, if you do more evil than good you'll turn into an old hag!" said the magician.
The Princess with great excitement once again took off with her necklace helping. She started to use the magic by helping the palace staff do their jobs just happy to have magic. The Princess looked out the window while she dusted with the royal housekeeper. She longed to go outside because she doesn't get to leave the palace often. She dropped her duster and headed for the front door to her new adventure. She knew what to expect for the most part but was stopped when she noticed a handsome young boy doing labor in a field not far from the palace. The Princess had a big character flaw; she was incredibly shy. She couldn't talk to him without turning bright red and running away. So she stood at a distance staying hidden using her magic necklace to make the load the young boy was carrying lighter. While staring at the boy she heard a noise that caught her attention. She noticed all the evil happening outside the palace. Mean people were stealing, fighting each other, and she saw others getting bullied and picked on. She came up with a plan. She started using her magic powers to seek revenge on their wrong doings. She would cause those stealing to trip so they were caught. A pot on a high building fell on the two people who were fighting because the Princess saw causing the pot to fall as the best idea to stop the fighter without getting involved. For those being picked on, she made a fountain spray the bullies with water which made them run away.
The next day she went out of the palace to see what her magic workings had done, but of course she wanted to see the young boy again. At first she saw all things going well. The young boy looked handsome as ever, and the crime had gone down. She finally built up the courage to speak to the boy. She had never been allowed to date and saw this as her chance to find true love. She called to the boy, "Good day!" but suddenly,"SMACK" the Princess fell to the ground. A thief was running away from the house he had just stolen a box of jewelry from and smacked right into her. She became so angry that she used her magic to have a rock smash him in the head. That was the final evil doing she was able to do because the next moment her magic necklace broke and she turned into a hag. Even though the Princess was helping others by stopping the acts of the bad people, she wasn't helping anyone do anything positive. She needed the balance of doing good and evil acts. Yes, what she was doing was good for one party but she needed to do good for both parties too.
The Princess was shocked the change had actually happened. She took off toward her home with hopes of having the spell reversed. She was looking back from where she came while running back to the palace when she smacked right into the handsome boy. He apologized profusely and assisted her up. Ashamed, she hid her face from the boy and scrambled from his grasp. The King banished the Princess from the palace. She hid in a tower too ashamed to show her face. She called to the magician for help but he did warn her what would happen. "I will return you back to your normal state in two years. Until the time has passed you must live with how you are!" said the magician. The Princess wept during her time locked away in a tower. There wasn't much for her to do while she waited. The only thing that made her wait less boring was her one and only window. She could look over the land below her. She noticed that she could see the handsome boy from her tower. She watched him to pass the time until the magician came back for her. A month had passed in the Princess's waiting. The waiting game continues for the Princess hag.
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A princess tower. Source |
royalty and in the same emotional state that the original story had. The original story didn't have a very good ending. The girl got her necklace back and that was the end. I knew going into my story I wanted it to not end on such a good note but I also wanted my story to have a cliffhanger.
Bibliography: The Green Jewel, Egyptian Myth and Legend, Donald Mackenzie, 1907.
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ReplyDeleteYou have a really great story, compelling characters, and effective conflict!
ReplyDeleteThe only problems with your story are easily fixed.
1. A common mistake. Separate your paragraphs out. Look at my story for example. You separate for dialogue, separate similar ideas, and you can even make a paragraph one sentence long to bring the reader's attention to a particular point.
2. Although this is in a Third-Person perspective, you can give the thoughts and feelings of that character. You can even give direct thoughts and italicize them (those thoughts usually are separated in a paragraph of their own.)
3. I thought that you could have added more dialogue. (Again, the dialogue gets its own paragraph.)
4. Finally there were some typos, but that happens to everyone. Its simply hard to find them all, and I always end up with some no matter how hard I look! It does help to paste your post into Word before publishing it on here.
Anyways, I hope my advise helps! If you have any questions let me know, I'd love to help!
Oh my goodness! I could not imagine how hard that must be for the princess. You really intrigued me though with the whole plot. My main suggestion would be to add more anticipation to the conflict. So, I guess I mean a build up to the princess turning into the hag. Also, just be more descriptive. I see whats happening, but smell, touch, and anything will give the reader a personal connection. Good job! I enjoyed this story.
ReplyDeleteI did like how you expanded on the original story instead of ending it abruptly. I felt like there could have been more dialogue between the princess and the magician to see more depth between them. There probably could have been more about the magician to get to know more about him. Maybe even add some characteristics about the boy so the reader can get more sense of why she likes him.
ReplyDeleteOther than that I liked the story. It flowed together so I knew what was going on without reading the original story. There were no grammatical errors that I saw. I liked the lessons in this story and how you highlighted it to make it your focal point. Another thing you could do is to add more fantasy elements to give it pizzazz like her transformation to the hag, or some of the magical stuff that she does to people. I always like working with magical stories because there are endless ways to describe something happening. You did a good job and hope to read your final work.
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ReplyDeleteHello, Michelle. I really liked your story. I thought the changes you made from the original were really creative! Making the scribe a magician allowed for a more exciting turn of events toward the end of the story. Ending the story with a cliffhanger definitely left the reader wanting to know more! Although, I would have really liked to know what happened with the young boy after the thief ran into her.
ReplyDeleteThere are only a few things I would change. You switch between two different tenses in the first paragraph, which is a pretty easy fix. I would also try to cut out some of the passive voice usage, just to make your narrative flow a little better. There are some places that need commas, but you may have been leaving those out for stylistic reasons. For the most part, those were the only big suggestions I would make.
Good job!
Your story was a very nice read. It was written well and had a lot of obvious creativity. There were just a few grammatical and writing errors, however, but that happens and they weren't distractive to the story. It did end a little abruptly, but good job!
ReplyDeleteA great story Michelle! When I first read the information provided about your portfolio I was excited because who doesn’t love a good story about a princess and magic? I liked that you took different details away from the original story and incorporated them to your retelling in a unique and creative way.
ReplyDeleteI liked the format of your portfolio. I think the pink layout was a nice touch and the font was easy to read. I also enjoyed the image you added. It reminded me of Rapunzel, which is what I pictured the princess to look like.
Grammatically I did not find any errors. Separating your paragraphs made it easy to read and understand.
I liked that you gave good details about your thought process when writing the story in your author’s note. It showed your creativity. It also helps the reader connect with you on a more personal level by seeing where the ideas came from.
Great job, Michelle!
ReplyDeleteI really liked this story. I like how the princess had to do good for everyone and not just "the good guys". It is a very interesting thing to have in your story because I do not believe everyone thinks of "doing good for all" as having to include criminals. I really like how you have your paragraphs split up because it makes it easier to read. I really like how in this story the princess is going around messing with the staff. It really makes her more human and relatable. I also like how the magician felt bad for making her think she had powers! You really did a great job of tweaking the original story and making it your own! Your ending is much better than the original! I like the idea of her being made to bear her punishment for a while before the magician would change her back. Once she gets changed back, I hope she talks to the handsome guy!!!
Michelle, I really enjoyed reading your story. I was actually able to get into the story as if I were hovering over the scenes as they were happening. I like that you changed the stories plot quite a bit and made it more of an interesting story with a bit of a lesson to be learned. I like that the main lesson was that even though the last bad dead was good for a lot of people it was still in a bad way. Your story could use a little more quotes just to give it a more personal feel with the princess. Also you could give a reason as to why the King kicked the princess out. I feel like the rest of the story flowed well and it was a great read. I can appreciate that you left a cliff hanger but it is killing me to know what happened after the two years and if she actually fell in love with the boy.
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle!
ReplyDeleteI had a hard time finding your story from the index page, it's link is not working. I have this issue a lot too. I also noticed a few of the same issues that I have issues with, separating the paragraphs and also the verb tenses. The story itself is absolutely great! I really enjoyed it and it really leaves me wanting more. I have not read the original story so the author's not was helpful to me to explain the background. I have often wondered what it would be like to be a princess in a castle back in the day. What would you do all day long if you had servants? I am very attracted to the story because I would want to do some magic too! Who wouldn't! I love that you made it about choosing more than just a quick fix to magic making everything better easily. The consequences can make big ripples!