- A hunter saw 7 maidens swimming in a river
- Each maiden had a robe of feathers
- The youngest appeased the hunter the most
- Made her marry him by seizing the robe.
- 2 children
- The hidden robe was found and the mother flew off with it
- She flew East O' the sun and West O' the Moon
- He consulted the king of the beast, birds and fishes, until the fishes knew it was on Crystal Mountain
- He tricked 2 men out of getting their invisibility had and their fast shoes
- He finds the land and speaks with the king.
- He took each maiden by the hand until he found his wife
- Then they went back home and lived happily ever after
- Androcles is a slave
- He has escaped his master and grown tired and weary with hunger
- A lion's roar caused him to get and try to run away in what he thought was the opposite direction of the lion.
- He tripped in a bush and saw the lion limping on 3 paws
- He pulled the large thorn out of the lion's paw
- The lion was grateful and would bring food to Androcles as a thank you
- They became friends
- Androcles was captured and taken back to his master
- To punish the slave he was going to be thrown into a lion's pit
- Rather than eating Androcles, the lion jumped on him and licked him
- The lion was the lion that was his friend
- The emperor excused them both back to be free after Androcles explained to him how they became friends
- A woman has been married twice
- A man knocks on her door asking for a drink, who is from Paris
- The woman who is slightly deaf thought the man said Paradise
- Her first husband has died, and she is on her 2nd
- She asks if the man can take back some goods to her 1st husband John in paradise
- The husband didn't like the man took the donkey, so he took his horse to find him
- The man from paradise hid the stuff in the bushes
- The man never brought back the donkey the next day as promised
- The man and wife removed the front door from its hinges before setting off to find the man with the stolen donkey
- They used the door to sleep on in a tree
- Under them was a group of robbers
- The couple dropped the door on top of thieves frightening them
- The couple took all of the goods the robbers had stolen and lived happily ever after
- A man lifted a rock in the woods and found a big black snake
- The snake wants to eat the man
- They argue about what is more important, self preservation or gratitude
- The first to walk by was a horse who sided with the snake
- The next was an old dog who agreed with the snake
- Finally a fox walks by, the man convinces the fox that if he helps him he will give him a pair of chickens
- The fox tricked the snake into getting back under the rock
- The man ran home to give the fox its chickens
- The man's wife didn't agree with the deal so she put their dog in a bag gave it to the fox
- The dog jumped out of the bad and ate the fox
A candy house. Source: Wikipedia |
- 2 kids whose names are Johnnie and Grizzle
- Their father is a poor farmer who has no money for food
- The father wants to leave the children in the forest in hopes someone will find them
- The next day Johnnie went out and collected a lot of brightly colored stones
- The father took them into the forest claiming he forgot something and that he would comeback
- Along the walk Johnnie dropped the stone leaving a trail from the house
- The kids found their way back to the house
- The farmer took the kids into the woods the next day again
- The kids once again found their way home
- The next day the farmer took them out to the woods again but he had locked the doors so Johnnie was not able to pick up pebbles
- That morning Johnnie used bread crumbs from the bread he was supposed to have eaten for breakfast
- The birds ate all the bread leaving the kids without a trail.
- The kids found a house in the woods made of candy
- The children began to eat the house
- A woman opened the door and scolded the children for not asking before eating her house
- She invites them inside to feed them
- When they get inside she takes Johnnie and locks him in a room
- The lady was a witch that like to fatten up children and eat them
- Grizzle would do all the housework while Johnnie got fed very well every meal
- The witch was nearly blind and would feel Johnnie's finger to determine how big he was
- In fear of being eaten, Johnnie found a stick about the size of his finger that he would use instead
- He did this day after day until one day the stick dropped. The witch became enraged and had Grizzle turn on the oven to eat Johnnie
- Grizzle tricked the witch and pushed her into the oven
- The kids fled the house to a river that was too deep for them to wade in only to see the witch had gotten out and was chasing them
- A duck was in the river and helped the kids swim across
- The witch sucked all the water out of the river until she burst
- The kids made it to the other side and ran all the way home
- The farmer had made a lot of money and had been looking for his kids.
- A woman wished to have a little boy the size of her thumb
- When suddenly all the beans in her lap turned into baby boys
- She dumped them in a bowl of water. All sunk but 1
- He never grew any bigger than their thumbs, his name was Thumbkin
- Thumbkin wants the responsibility of taking the donkey down to his father
- He led the horse and cart successfully to his father
- 2 men saw a horse and cart moving with no driver so they followed it and saw Thumbkin being taken out of the horse's ear
- The men bought Thumbkin for a fortune
- They put him on his hat and for dinner Thumbkin hid in the crevice of a tree
- They gave up on finding him and left
- Three robbers sat where they had dinner and Thumbkin over heard their plans to rob the squire
- Thumbkin agreed to help them rob the squire but the butler heard them and they ran off
- Thumbkin went to the stable and laid in the hay where he was eaten by a cow
- The cow was butchered and the farmer threw the stomach out
- A wolf ate the stomach and now Thumbkin was in the wolf
- Thumbkin led the wolf to his fathers farm where he could eat the chickens if he would let him out
- The wolf refused to let him, he over ate and couldn't fit back threw the hole he came
- His mother and father killed the wolf an took Thumbkin out and they lived happily ever after
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