- The lion is the alpha male.
- The fox is bitter of the lion's alpha status
- The lion became sick, and the animals took revenge out on him
- The ass took a hit once the lion was already injured
- A slave, named Androcles found the lion injured in the forest
- The lion would bring meat to the slave in his cave
- They were both captured. The slave was sentenced to be eaten by the lion after several days without food.
- The lion couldn't eat the slave.
- The story depends on the story teller
- The oxen would stand together to fight the lion.
- They were killed when they were separated
- United we stand, separated we fall.
- A lion fell in love with a maiden.
- The lion made himself presentable
- Love can tame a wild beast
- Animals were going in to see the Lion king wince he said he was sick.
- Animals went in, the fox figured out that they were not coming out
- The fox and the stork are friends
- The fox likes to play tricks
- But the stork seeks revenge on the fox at dinner
- The fox and the crane is almost identical to the fox and the stork
- The fox finds a mask that scares him. He laughs at it for not having a brain.
- A fox tried to get grapes from a high branch. H misses and calls them sour for he can not have them.
- The fox ran from the lion, then he observed him the next time, to finally speak to him
- The fox gets his tail stuck in the bushes. Mosquitos feast on him. He allows it so new ones will not come and help.
- The fox gets his tail stuck in a trap.
- He proposes that all the foxes cut their tails off because they are inconvenient
- Other foxes say it is a good point but they say no
- A fox fell into a well and a goat wondered by
- The fox tricks the goat to get out of the well.
- The wolf sees a sheep drinking water, and he uses a bad excuse to eat the sheep.
- The wolf was eating an animal when a bone got stuck in his throat
- The crane was the only animal to agree to take the bone out by reaching into his throat
- The wolf doesn't reward the crane for his help
- It is easy to be brave from a safe distance
- A wolf was dying from hunger when a house dog passes him
- The dog tries to give the wolf a home to be fed but the wolf passes on the chance after learning the dog is chained up.
- The wolf would rather be free and starving
- A wolf finds a sheep pellet and shrouds himself in it
- The lamb followed the wolf, the wolf ate the lamb
- Appearances are deceptive
- A nurse threatens to throw a loud child to a wolf
- The child cried. The wolf waits to eat the child only to be chased off by the family's dog.
- A dog had a piece of meat
- He saw his reflection, he snapped at it, losing his original meat
- A dog laid in the hay for the ox. The ox wanted to eat the hay but the dog barked at him for waking him from his afternoon nap
- A cat jumped in a tree to hide at the sounds of dogs approaching.
- The fox boasted about having many ways of hiding. He grew confused on which was the best way and was killed
- Venus and Jupiter were arguing if it were possible for a human to change it's nature.
- Jupiter changed a cat into a human to prove his point
- Venus tossed a mouse in front of her and she jumped on it, proving she is right
- A mouse proposes the idea of putting a bell around the cats neck
- No one volunteered to do the job
- A snooty town mouse turned his nose up at the offerings his country cousin provided
- The meal at the town mouse's house ended in them being chased off by dogs in fear
- A mouse is running on a sleeping lion
- The lion tried to eat the mouse, the mouse begged for his life, and offered to help the lion in the future.
- The lion was trapped by hunters, when the little mouse was walking by and could help
- A female lion was going to marry a mouse. She stepped on the mouse and killed him
- An ass found a lion skin that had been left out. He wore into the village
- The ass brayed and everyone knew that he was really now a lion
- A fox and lion were hunting for food.
- They convinced the ass to come join their alliance, the ass went
- The fox ate the ass's brains claiming he had none or he wouldn't have come
- The ass tried to act like the farmer's dog.
- An ass struggled with the weight of the bags it carried, while the horse pranced along. He wished evil upon the horse
- The horse died in battle the next day and the donkey was wrong
- A horse wants revenge on a deer.
- Horse asks a hunter for help. The hunter agrees to help if the horse will agree to be saddled
- The deer is killed but the hunter doesn't let the horse go after
- The deer boasted about having great antlers but tiny legs
- His legs save his life but his antlers get him killed
- A deer being chased by dogs hid in the hay of the oxen leaving only the tips of his horns to be seen
- The deer was safe until the master of the stable saw him. Then he was killed.
- A deer was blind in one eye.
- She lived by the sea with her good eye facing the land to escape hunters
- The hunters killed her from the sea. You can't escape your fate.
- The hare boasted about his speed and challenged anyone to a race
- The tortoise agreed.
- The hare became over confident, took a nap in the middle of the race, the turtle passed him and the Hare lost the race
- The hare thought she had many friends.
- None would help her when time of trouble arose.
- She escaped on her own
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A bust of Aesop. Source: Wikimedia |
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