Monday, August 24, 2015

St. Louis, Missorui, My Favorite Place

Busch Stadium

My favorite place to be is Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Missouri. I went to my first MLB game here when the Cardinals played the Cubs. I absolutely love to watch sports and this was by far my favorite professional game I have been to. I loved the food, the atmosphere, and the scenes that surrounded the stadium were captivating. I hope to one day to own season tickets to watch the Cardinals play all the time at this beautiful stadium. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun picture, Michelle! I have never been to that stadium, but I have been to the ARCH, which shows up so perfectly there. When I was little, we would go visit my great-aunts in St. Louis, and we would always go to the arch: as a kid, I thought it was as good as Disneyland; it seemed like magic. It would be fun to go back there now grown-up to see what it's like! Maybe you will want to do a baseball- or sports-themed project for this class. There are lots of urban legends about sports... and of course the folktales of the whole world are full of lessons about winning and losing, with all kinds of wisdom for the world of sports. I hope you will enjoy the class!
