Thursday, August 27, 2015

A little Growth Mindset

I wasn't sure what I wanted to start with so I just picked the shortest video to just get a feel of what Carol Dweck is about. For me anything math and science related was always very challenging but I could figure it out after some practice, but I also know people who those subjects came to so easily. Instead of asking for harder work they did the same as me in the half the time. Which obviously makes sense. In "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone" Dweck's point that kids should want to be challenged makes so much better sense. I agree but to a point because there will be people like myself who struggle with what is already given.
"I could figure it out after some practice." Source: Growth Mind Set Memes

In high school, if an assignment was given to me that was too hard, I would automatically shut down. Since being in college faced with the same challenge, I will still want to shut down, however, I have grown and now understand that I have to get it done at whatever cost. I enjoy a challenge to an extent but I have to be interested in it. I might be interested in the Growth and Mindset. I'd really like to push it on the youths more so than use it for myself, but I know the best way to use it on someone else, I need to be fully understanding and an example.
My personal goals for this semester are to get As in all my classes, which I know will be a challenge with one class for sure because I have no interest in that class at all. My next goal is to have the most fun with my friends possible. Both are typical goals of college kids but I didn't realize how important they both are to balance the other out. College is hard, but it is possible. It just might take me or someone a little longer. Its a long term challenge.


  1. Hey Michelle! I couldn’t agree more that it is a struggle to do an assignment when it is challenging. I find myself struggling to study for one of my test because I am so over the class and how much time it requires. I struggled with this class at first because I did not know how to set things up or get started. This usually discourages me from wanting to do the work because I am a perfectionist and want it to be right or I won’t do it all. I think you have a good plan for Growth Mindset.

  2. Hey Michelle,
    The challenges you face are very similar to the challenges I face. I struggle with the fact that if I get a bad grade on my first exam I get discouraged and stop trying as hard. In that sense i just shut down because I find it to hard. Honestly I believe balancing everything is the key to being successful in college.

  3. Hey, Michelle!
    I chose the same picture for my growth mindset. I like the example you used from your own life. Growing up and completing tasks is a hard hurdle, but rewarding when it happens. It's hard to complete things we aren't interested in.
    Your goals are great! I completely understand where you're coming from about not being interested in your classes. I'm the same way and it's a struggle to find the energy and motivation to complete work to the best of my ability when it's not the most interesting subject. I hope that you've been able to accomplish them since it's almost to the end of the semester.
    Good luck with the rest of your year!
